Radiofrequency (RF) switches are electronic components that control the routing of RF signals between different segments of circuits, for instance turning the signals on and off or redirecting them. These switches are central to the functioning of numerous...
Electronics & Semiconductors
Micro-sized optical spectrometer operates across visible spectrum with sub-5-nm resolution
Optical spectrometers are versatile instruments that can produce light and measure its properties over specific portions of the electromagnetic spectrum. These instruments can have various possible applications; for instance, aiding the diagnosis of medical...
A new method to fabricate stretchable and breathable electronics
In recent years, engineers and material scientists have introduced increasingly flexible electronics that could be used to create new wearable devices, such as smart watches, biosensors and health-monitoring technologies. To be safely worn by humans for prolonged...
Flexible, permeable and 3D integrated electronic skin combines liquid metal circuits with fibrous substrates
In recent years, research teams worldwide have been trying to develop new flexible and soft electronics. These devices could have various potential applications, for instance helping doctors to monitor their patients' health conditions or supporting rehabilitation and...
A new brain-inspired artificial dendritic neural circuit
Following the rapid advancement of artificial intelligence (AI) tools, engineers worldwide have been working on new architectures and hardware components that replicate the organization and functions of the human brain.
New yttrium-doping strategy enhances 2D transistors
Electronics engineers and materials scientists have been trying to identify materials that could help to boost the performance of electronics further, overcoming the inherent limitations of silicon-based transistors. Two-dimensional (2D) semiconductors have...
New quantum random number generator achieves 2 Gbit/s speed
The reliable generation of random numbers has become a central component of information and communications technology. In fact, random number generators, algorithms or devices that can produce random sequences of numbers, are now helping to secure communications...
Novel formamidinium lead iodide perovskite n-type transistors have notable field-effect mobilities
Metal halide perovskites, a class of crystalline materials with remarkable optoelectronic properties, have proven to be promising candidates for the development of cost-effective thin-film transistors. Recent studies have successfully used these materials,...
An adhering, pure conducting polymer hydrogel for medical applications
The rapid advancement of electronics and artificial intelligence (AI) tools have opened interesting opportunities for the development of technologies for a wide range of applications. These include implantable devices designed to support the treatment of medical...
A method to generate predictor circuits for the classification of tabular data
Deep learning techniques have become increasingly advanced over the past few years, reaching human-level accuracy on a wide range of tasks, including image classification and natural language processing.