Legged robots that artificially replicate the body structure and movements of animals could efficiently complete missions in a wide range of environments, including various outdoor natural settings. To do so, however, these robots should be able to walk on different...
A tin-based tandem electrocatalyst for the synthesis of ethanol via CO₂ reduction
The electrochemical reduction of carbon dioxide (CO2) into various multi-carbon products is highly desirable, as it could help to easily produce useful chemicals for a wide range of applications. Most existing catalysts to facilitate CO2 reduction are based on...
A wearable robot that assists people with walking
In recent years, roboticists have introduced increasingly advanced systems, which could open exciting new possibilities for surgery, rehabilitation, and health care assistance. These robotic systems are already helping to improve the quality of life of many people...
Integrated circuits based on a 2D semiconductor operating at GHz frequencies
Transistors are crucial electronic components that regulate, amplify and control the flow of current inside most existing devices. In recent years, electronics engineers have been trying to identify materials and design strategies that could help to further improve...
A robot inspired by mantis shrimp to explore narrow underwater environments
Nature is the primary source of inspiration for many existing robotic systems, designed to replicate the appearance and behavior of various living organisms. By artificially reproducing biological processes, these robots can help tackle complex real-world problems...
Researchers demonstrate field-free switching of a commercial PMA ferromagnet at room temperature
Magnetic random-access memories (MRAMs) are data storage devices that store digital data within nanomagnets, representing it in binary code (i.e., as "0" or "1"). The magnetization of nanomagnets inside these memory devices can be directed upward or downward.
Highly performing metal halide perovskite solar cells fabricated in ambient air
Metal halide perovskites, solution-processable materials with advantageous optoelectronic properties, have recently emerged as suitable candidates for developing photovoltaic technology. Recent studies demonstrated metal halide perovskite-based solar cells (PSCs) with...
A human-inspired robotic hand based on a modular structure
In recent years, roboticists have developed increasingly sophisticated robotic systems designed to mimic both the structure and function of the human body. This work includes robotic hands, grippers that allow robots to grasp objects and manipulate them like humans do...
A strategy to fabricate highly performing tin perovskite-based transistors
Metal halide perovskites are semiconducting materials with advantageous optoelectronic properties, low defects and low costs of production. In contrast with other emerging semiconductors, these materials can be easily synthesized via affordable solution processing...
Scientists create soft and scalable robotic hand based on multiple materials
Robots based on soft materials are often better at replicating the appearance, movements and abilities of both humans and animals. While there are now countless soft robots, many of these are difficult to produce on a large-scale, due to the high cost of their...