Transistors, semiconducting devices that regulate, amplify and generate the flow of electrical current, are central components of most electronics. Electronics engineers have been trying to develop increasingly smaller transistors, as this could support the...
An adaptive artificial cochlea that could enhance the performance of hearing aids
In recent years, electronics engineers have developed a wide range of systems inspired by human and animal biology. By closely replicating complex biological processes, these systems could ultimately tackle numerous real-world problems more reliably and effectively.
A strategy to induce the formation of a stable salt-derived solid electrolyte interphase in lithium metal batteries
Lithium metal batteries are promising battery solutions that use metallic lithium as an anode. Instead of containing electrode materials that store lithium ions, like commonly employed lithium-ion batteries (LiBs), they use a single layer of lithium near the anode,...
Self-healable and crack-resistant hydrogel microfibers inspired by spider silk
In recent years, material scientists have been creating new materials with a variety of advantageous properties that could enhance the performance of different technologies and devices. This includes hydrogel-based fibers and artificial skins, which could help to...
New design strategies to improve the stability and efficiency of bifacial perovskite solar cells
Solar cells based on perovskites, calcium titanium oxide minerals or compounds with similar structures, are among the most promising emerging energy solutions. Over the past few years, engineers and material scientists have been exploring the potential of solar...
Study observes the interactions between live fish and fish-like robots
In recent decades, engineers have created a wide range of robotic systems inspired by animals, including four legged robots, as well as systems inspired by snakes, insects, squid and fish. Studies exploring the interactions between these robots and their biological...
3D printed elastic conductors for stretchable electronics
Three-dimensional (3D) printing has become increasingly advanced over the past few years and has been successfully used to create countless items, including toys, furniture and electronic components. As 3D printing equipment becomes more affordable, it could...
A scalable strategy to synthesize purer and highly performing single-crystal cathodes
Energy engineers and material scientists are continuously trying to create safe battery technologies that exhibit higher energy densities and efficiencies, along with longer life cycles. As lithium-ion batteries (LiBs) are among the most widespread battery...
A non-reciprocal metasurface based on magnetic meta-atoms
Metasurfaces, two-dimensional (2D) or planar versions of metamaterials exhibit properties that are not typically found in natural materials. As they are flat, these materials can typically be produced using widely known fabrication processes and may help to control...
A framework to enable touch-enhanced robotic grasping using tactile sensors
To successfully cooperate with humans on manual tasks, robots should be able to grasp and manipulate a variety of objects without dropping or damaging them. Recent research efforts in the field of robotics have thus focused on developing tactile sensors and...