When fabricating electronic devices based on conventional semiconducting materials, engineers need to complete a crucial step known as doping. Doping essentially entails the introduction of impurities into semiconductors to enable the modulation of their optical,...
DronePaint: A human-swarm interaction system for environment exploration and artistic painting
Researchers at Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology (Skoltech) in Russia have recently developed an innovative system for human-swarm interactions that allows users to directly control the movements of a team of drones in complex environments. This system,...
An autonomous system that can reach charge mobile robots without interrupting their missions
Researchers at Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology in Russia have recently developed MobileCharger, an autonomous robotic system designed to charge other robots as they complete their missions. This system, presented in a paper pre-published on arXiv, can...
A robot vision system that diminishes occlusions using mirror reflections
To navigate their surroundings safely and most effectively, robots should be supported by a highly performing computer vision system. One of the greatest challenges when developing computer vision systems for robots is to limit occlusions so that the robot can sense...
AugLimb: A compact robotic limb to support humans during everyday activities
Researchers at Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology and University of Tokyo recently developed AugLimb, a compact robotic limb that could support humans as they complete a variety of tasks. This new limb, presented in a paper pre-published on arXiv, can...
A machine learning technique that can learn local equilibria in symmetric auction games
Over the past few decades, computer scientists have been exploring the potential of applying game theory and artificial intelligence (AI) tools to chess, the abstract strategy board game go, or other games. Another valuable use of game theory is in the economic...
A multi-task learning network to recognize the numbers on jerseys of sports team players
When reporting on sports games live or remotely, commentators should be able to quickly recognize the numbers on the players' jersey shirts, as this allows them to keep up with what's happening and communicate it to their audience. However, quickly identifying players...
A framework to evaluate techniques for simulating physical systems
The simulation of physical systems using computing tools can have numerous valuable applications, both in research and real-world settings. Most existing tools for simulating physical systems are based on physics theory and numerical calculations. In recent years,...
LOKI: An intention dataset to train models for pedestrian and vehicle trajectory prediction
Human decision-making processes are inherently hierarchical. This means that they involve several levels of reasoning and different planning strategies that operate simultaneously to achieve both short-term and long-term goals.
A strategy to fabricate metal-organic framework membranes for the separation of hydrocarbons
The separation of light hydrocarbon mixtures is among the most important petrochemical and industrial processes. This process is currently regarded as highly energy intensive, as it has so far been carried out using conventional techniques, such as cryogenic...