Transistors are core components of many electronic devices, which serve the role of amplifying and switching electrical signals. A key goal of the electronics industry is to continue improving the performance and energy-efficiency of transistors, while also reducing...
A strategy to design better materials for thermoelectric power generation
In recent years, engineers and scientists worldwide have been working on new technologies for generating electricity from renewable energy sources, including photovoltaics (PVs), wind turbines and hydro-power generators. An alternative solution for mitigating the...
Memristive radiofrequency switches show improved performance for mmWave applications
Radiofrequency (RF) switches are electronic components that control the routing of RF signals between different segments of circuits, for instance turning the signals on and off or redirecting them. These switches are central to the functioning of numerous...
Memristive radiofrequency switches show improved performance for mmWave applications
Radiofrequency (RF) switches are electronic components that control the routing of RF signals between different segments of circuits, for instance turning the signals on and off or redirecting them. These switches are central to the functioning of numerous...
New learning-based method trains robots to reliably pick up and place objects
Most robotic systems developed to date can either tackle a specific task with high precision or complete a range of simpler tasks with low precision. For instance, some industrial robots can complete specific manufacturing tasks very well but cannot easily adapt to...
Lightweight neural network enables realistic rendering of woven fabrics in real-time
Recent advances in the field of artificial intelligence (AI) and computing have enabled the development of new tools for creating highly realistic media, virtual reality (VR) environments and video games. Many of these tools are now widely used by graphics designers,...
Micro-sized optical spectrometer operates across visible spectrum with sub-5-nm resolution
Optical spectrometers are versatile instruments that can produce light and measure its properties over specific portions of the electromagnetic spectrum. These instruments can have various possible applications; for instance, aiding the diagnosis of medical...
New framework allows robots to learn via online human demonstration videos
To be successfully deployed in real-world settings, robots should be capable of reliably completing various everyday tasks, ranging from household chores to industrial processes. Some of the tasks they could complete entail manipulating fabrics, for instance when...
A new method to fabricate stretchable and breathable electronics
In recent years, engineers and material scientists have introduced increasingly flexible electronics that could be used to create new wearable devices, such as smart watches, biosensors and health-monitoring technologies. To be safely worn by humans for prolonged...
A strategy to enhance the stability of perovskite solar cells under reverse bias conditions
If an individual solar cell is shaded and other cells in the same module are not, the sunlit cells can try to drive current through the shaded cell, resulting in an increase in temperature and potential damage to the cells. These conditions put the shadowed cell under...