President-elect Donald Trump believes Russia was likely behind the leaking of 19,000 emails from Democratic National Committee (DNC) servers during the US election run-up, he said today in a press conference.
Google makes plans to build smart city
Google confirmed that it is planning its own urban district, and said it might be running a contest for it in future.
Broadband not meeting UK consumer expectations
Most consumers in the UK are unhappy with their broadband connection, according to a new survey.
DeepMind’s AI can lip read better than humans
Google's DeepMind has partnered with Oxford University researchers to create a new AI that can read lips, calling it Watch, Listen and Spell (WLAS).
Why are women such a problem?
Let's talk about toilets. As a female journalist working in the IT sector l love attending conferences. Sure, there's the networking and great information, but it's also the only public place I generally don't have to queue to use the loo.
Intel’s new AI strategy involves new deep-learning technology
Intel announced its new strategy related to artificial intelligence (AI), which involves the introduction of new products, as well as investments for the development of specific AI-related technology.
Start-up secures $30 million funding to rival Intel and Nvidia on AI development
A UK start-up has raised $30 million in funding from VCs to develop AI applications and processors.
Germany bans Tesla from advertising Autopilot feature
Germany has asked Tesla to stop advertising its 'Autopilot' feature, following a number of crashes involving the system.
Three asks Ofcom to limit BT’s mobile dominance
A week after Ofcom announced its decision to ban BT from bidding on half the frequencies available at the next spectrum auction in 2017, Three is once again campaigning to reduce BT's over dominance in the UK mobile market.
Raspberry Pi Zero device can hack a computer in less than a minute
Despite complicated passwords and other security measures, PCs can still be vulnerable to hacking, even from a small device that costs under 5.