Ideally, human beings should be able to use the resources available to them in ways that are both fair and effective, particularly at times of economic or social struggle. Thrift, defined as the ability to use money or other resources wisely, could thus be...
Exploring neural mechanisms behind the perception of control in stressful situations
Findings collected during several decades of research in the fields of psychology and neuroscience suggest that the perception of control during stressful events can have striking and long-lasting effects on the behavior of humans and some animals, including rodents....
A perspective on the study of artificial and biological neural networks
Evolution, the process by which living organisms adapt to their surrounding environment over time, has been widely studied over the years. As first hypothesized by Darwin in the mid 1800s, research evidence suggests that most biological species, including humans,...
Exploring why mindfulness meditation has positive mental health outcomes
Over the past few decades, mindfulness meditation has become increasingly popular, particularly as a tool to reduce stress or anxiety and gain a greater sense of wellbeing. While many empirical studies have confirmed that regular meditation, especially mindfulness...
Relating sentence representations in deep neural networks with those encoded by the brain
Researchers at the Indian Institute of Science (IISc) and Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) have recently carried out a study exploring the relationship between sentence representations acquired by deep neural networks and those encoded by the brain. Their paper,...
DeNeRD: an AI-based method to process whole images of the brain
Researchers at the University of Zurich's Brain Research Institute have recently developed a technique to automatically detect neurons of different types in a variety of brain regions at different developmental stages. They presented this deep learning-based tool,...
A new machine learning model to isolate the effects of age in predicting dementia
Researchers at Toronto-based company WinterLight Labs have recently devised a machine learning method of predicting dementia that prioritizes particular variables when analyzing data, which could help to isolate the effects of potentially confounding factors.