Lewy body diseases (LBDs) are a class of debilitating neurodegenerative disorders linked to the abnormal aggregation of the protein α-synuclein in nerve cells. When misfolded, this protein can produce clumps known as Lewy bodies, which can adversely impact the...
Parkinson’s & Movement Disorders
Study finds that the release of endocannabinoids is mediated by postsynaptic synucleins
Endogenous cannabinoids, also known as endocannabinoids, are neurotransmitters (i.e., chemical messengers naturally produced by the body) that transmit specific signals from one neuron to another. These neurotransmitters are known to support several vital...
Study unveils mechanism regulating the transmission of a protein associated with the progression of Parkinson’s disease
Proteins, long polymers comprised of smaller constituents known as amino acids, play a crucial role in the functioning of the human body. Over the course of a human's life, these "strings" of proteins fold into unique 3D structures or conformations, and this folding...
Study identifies two neuronal populations associated with symptoms of Parkinson’s disease
Parkinson's disease is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder that manifests itself through a diverse range of motor and non-motor symptoms, including shaking and stiffness of the limbs, as well as difficulties in maintaining balance and coordination, walking and...