The Kibble–Zurek (KZ) mechanism is a theoretical framework introduced by physicists Tom Kibble and Wojciech Zurek. This framework essentially describes the formation of topological defects while systems undergo non-equilibrium phase transitions.
General Physics
Cosmic microwave background experiments could probe connection between cosmic inflation, particle physics
Various large-scale astrophysical research projects are set to take place over the next decade, several of which are so-called cosmic microwave background (CMB) experiments. These are large-scale scientific efforts aimed at detecting and studying CMB radiation, which...
Physicists introduce method for mechanical detection of individual nuclear decays
In recent years, physicists and engineers have developed increasingly sophisticated instruments to study particles and the interactions between them with high precision. These instruments, which include particle detectors, sensors and accelerometers, could help...
Belle II experiment reports the first direct measurement of tau-to-light-lepton ratio
The Belle II experiment is a large research effort aimed at precisely measuring weak-interaction parameters, studying exotic hadrons (i.e., a class of subatomic particles) and searching for new physical phenomena. This effort primarily relies on the analysis of data...
A model outlining the microscopic origin of black hole entropy
Black holes are intriguing astronomical objects that have a gravitational pull so strong that it prevents any object and even light from escaping. While black holes have been the topic of numerous astrophysical studies, their origins and underlying physics remain...
The BREAD Collaboration is searching for dark photons using a coaxial dish antenna
Approximately 80% of the matter in the universe is predicted to be so-called "dark matter," which does not emit, reflect, or absorb light and thus cannot be directly detected using conventional experimental techniques.
CMS Collaboration observes new all-heavy quark structures
For over a decade, the CMS Collaboration, a large team of researchers based at different institutes worldwide, has been analyzing data collected at the Compact Muon Solenoid, a general-purpose particle detector at CERN's Large Hadron Collider (LHC). This large-scale...
Study shows that the ATLAS detector can measure the flux of high-energy supernova neutrinos
High-energy neutrinos are extremely rare particles that have so far proved very difficult to detect. Fluxes of these rare particles were first detected by the IceCube Collaboration back in 2013.
Mapping the relations between Manhattan Project scientists using network science
The Manhattan Project was a top-secret program that culminated in the development of the first atomic bombs during World War 2. This covert and controversial research endeavor involved many gifted and reputable scientists, including physicist J. Robert Oppenheimer.
A logical magic state with fidelity beyond distillation threshold realized on superconducting quantum processor
Quantum computers have the potential to outperform conventional computers on some tasks, including complex optimization problems. However, quantum computers are also vulnerable to noise, which can lead to computational errors.