Holograms are three-dimensional (3D) images produced by interfering beams of light that reflect physical objects or photographs. In recent years, they were introduced in a variety of settings, for instance to enhance employee training or create more engaging art.
The IceCube Collaboration sets the most restrictive constraints on relic magnetic monopoles from the early universe
Recent technological advances have enabled the development of increasingly advanced telescope and astrophysical instruments. This includes the IceCube telescope, which was originally built to detect and examine high-energy neutrinos in the universe.
Physicists test real quantum theory in an optical quantum network
Quantum theory was originally formulated using complex numbers. Nonetheless, when replying to a letter by Hendrik Lorenz, Erwin Schrödinger (one of its founding fathers), wrote: "Using complex numbers in quantum theory is unpleasant and should be objected to. The wave...
Study redefines what information is important in quantum measurements
Researchers at Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST) have recently tried to capture the interplay between different types of information that are important while collecting quantum measurements, namely information gain, disturbance and reversibility. Their...
New studies highlight the potential of self-heating plasmas for fusion energy
Most energy-producing technologies used today are unsustainable, as they cause significant damage to our planet's natural environment. In recent years, scientists worldwide have thus been trying to devise alternative energy solutions that take advantage of abundant...
Examining the results of new dark matter searches by the PandaX-4T and ADMX collaborations
Physicists have predicted the existence of dark matter, a material that does not absorb, emit or reflect light, for decades. While there is now significant evidence hinting to the existence of dark matter in the universe, as it was never directed detected before its...
A robotic method for assembling complex van der Waals solids
2D van der Waals crystals, a class of materials that exhibit strong in-plane covalent bonds and weak interlayer interactions, have recently become the focus of numerous research studies due to their plethora of unique electrical, optical, and mechanical properties....
Theory shows baryogenesis requirement could drive the contribution of primordial black holes to dark matter
While many studies have hinted at the existence of dark matter, a material that does not absorb, reflect or emit light, this elusive substance has not been directly observed so far. Over the past few decades, many teams worldwide have thus theorized about its possible...
Study introduces the intrinsic superconducting diode effect
In 2020, Prof. Teruo Ono and his colleagues at Kyoto University reported the very first observation of a magnetically controllable, superconducting diode effect in an artificial superlattice. Their findings, published in Nature, paved the way for other studies...
A promising method to produce fiber batteries on an industrial scale
Fiber batteries are millimeter-thin batteries based on fibers that can be woven into items of clothing or used to create highly flexible, wearable electronics. In recent years, many research teams worldwide have been trying to fabricate these batteries, using a range...