by Ingrid Fadelli | May 3, 2024 | Electronics & Semiconductors, Energy & Green Tech, TECHXPLORE
In recent years, researchers have been experimenting with a wide range of solar cell designs in the hope of facilitating their widespread deployment. Organic solar cells based on perovskite materials have been found to exhibit various advantages over conventional...
by Ingrid Fadelli | May 3, 2024 | Engineering, Robotics, TECHXPLORE
Over the past decades, dozens of animal species have become extinct, while thousands of others are now at risk of disappearing. Endangered species include various pollinators, including bees and some types of moths, butterflies, and flies.
by Ingrid Fadelli | May 3, 2024 | Energy & Green Tech, TECHXPLORE
Reliably monitoring the amount of lithium (Li) present in rechargeable batteries, specifically in the so-called cathode active material (CAM), is key to understanding the condition of batteries from the time when it is fabricated to the end of its operation. However,...
by Ingrid Fadelli | May 3, 2024 | Machine learning & AI, Robotics, TECHXPLORE
Artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms and robots are becoming increasingly advanced, exhibiting capabilities that vaguely resemble those of humans. The growing similarities between AIs and humans could ultimately bring users to attribute human feelings, experiences,...
by Ingrid Fadelli | May 3, 2024 | Optics & Photonics, PHYS.ORG, Physics, Quantum Physics
Photonic quantum computers are computational tools that leverage quantum physics and utilize particles of light (i.e., photons) as units of information processing. These computers could eventually outperform conventional quantum computers in terms of speed, while also...