The SYNGAP1 gene, which supports the production of a protein called SynGAP (Synaptic Ras GTPase-Activating Protein), is known to play a key role in supporting the development of synapses and neural circuits (i.e., connections between neurons). Mutations in this gene...
The overlooked astrocyte: Star-shaped brain cells may form specialized networks for reward learning
Most neuroscience research carried out up to date has primarily focused on neurons, the most renowned type of cell in the human brain. As a result, the unique functions of other brain cell types are less understood and have often been entirely overlooked.
Mapping the human brain’s default mode network: Anatomical study suggests it has widespread influence
The default mode network (DMN) is a set of interconnected brain regions known to be most active when humans are awake but not engaged in physical activities, such as relaxing, resting or daydreaming. This brain network has been found to support a variety of mental...
Brain-inspired neural networks reveal insights into biological basis of relational learning
Humans and certain animals appear to have an innate capacity to learn relationships between different objects or events in the world. This ability, known as "relational learning," is widely regarded as critical for cognition and intelligence, as learned relationships...
Neural pathway in mice sheds light on how the brain regulates learned immune responses
The brain of humans and other animals is known to contribute to the protection of the body from infections. Past studies have unveiled the existence of the so-called conditioned immune response (CIR), which is a form of Pavlovian conditioning that entails the...
Gray matter study uncovers two neuroanatomically different OCD subtypes
Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) is a mental health disorder associated with persistent, intrusive thoughts (i.e., obsessions), accompanied by repetitive behaviors (i.e., compulsions) aimed at reducing the anxiety arising from obsessions. Past studies have showed...
The link between renal failure and Parkinson’s disease: Researchers illuminate the underlying mechanisms
Lewy body diseases (LBDs) are a class of debilitating neurodegenerative disorders linked to the abnormal aggregation of the protein α-synuclein in nerve cells. When misfolded, this protein can produce clumps known as Lewy bodies, which can adversely impact the...
Blood vessel growth factor alleviates anxious behaviors in mouse study
Anxiety disorders, characterized by an excessive apprehension about real or perceived threats and dysfunctional behaviors aimed at avoiding these threats, are among the most common mental health conditions. Estimates suggest that around 4% of the world's population,...
Risk preference is governed by different hypothalamus–habenula circuits, study finds
To survive in complex and unpredictable environments, humans and other animals need to learn to predict the consequences of their actions, so that they can reduce risks and maximize their gains. In humans, this risk evaluation process is known to be highly...
Meditation, art and nature: Neuroimaging reveals distinct patterns of brain activation
Past research suggests that meditation and exposure to art or nature can positively impact people's well-being and brain health, in some cases even reducing stress and supporting the processing of emotions. Yet most past studies focused on each of these experiences...