Matching particles and antiparticles are small units of matter that have the same mass but opposite electric charges. Typically, these units of matter with opposite electric charge tend to annihilate one another.
Using thermodynamic geometry to optimize microscopic finite-time heat engines
Stochastic thermodynamics is an emerging area of physics aimed at better understanding and interpreting thermodynamic concepts away from equilibrium. Over the past few years, findings in these fields have revolutionized the general understanding of different...
The LHCb experiment leads to the observation of an exotic tetraquark
Over the course of the 20th century, physicists have discovered numerous elementary particles. The largest family of these particles are the so-called hadrons, subatomic particles that take part in strong interactions.
Study sets new constraints on dark photons using a new dielectric optical haloscope
Researchers at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and the Perimeter Institute recently set new constraints on dark photons, which are hypothetical particles and renowned dark matter candidates. Their...
Study identifies a tidal disruption event that coincides with the production of a high-energy neutrino
High-energy neutrinos are highly fascinating subatomic particles produced when very fast charged particles collide with other particles or photons. IceCube, a renowned neutrino detector located at the South Pole, has been detecting extragalactic high-energy neutrinos...
Controlling non-classical mechanical states in a phononic waveguide architecture
Most quantum computing technologies rely on the ability to produce, manipulate and detect non-classical states of light. Non-classical states are quantum states that cannot directly be produced using conventional sources of light, such as lamps and lasers, and can...
Study finds evidence of resonant Raman scattering from surface phonons of Cu(110)
Researchers at Johannes Kepler University in Linz have been investigating the physical properties of Cu(110), a surface attained when cutting a single copper crystal in a specific direction, for several years. Their most recent study, featured in Physical Review...
The realization of measurement induced quantum phases on a trapped-ion quantum computer
Trapped-ion quantum computers are quantum devices in which trapped ions vibrate together and are fully isolated from the external environment. These computers can be particularly useful for investigating and realizing various quantum physics states.
Study observes the coexistence of topological edge states and superconductivity in stanene films
Stanene is a topological insulator comprised of atoms typically arranged in a similar pattern to those inside graphene. Stanene films have been found to be promising for the realization of numerous intriguing physics phases, including the quantum spin Hall phase and...
The direct detection of a topological phase transition through a sign change in the Berry curvature dipole
The Berry curvature and Chern number are crucial topological qualities of a quantum mechanical origin characterizing the electron wave function of materials. These two elements play a very important role in determining the properties of specific materials.