When appropriately studied and analysed, large sets of data help researchers to observe changes over time or across conditions and reach important scientific breakthroughs. This is also true for imaging and signal-related data, collected by scientists within a variety...
SciComm Corner – Can art communicate science?
There are countless ways in which journalists, media agencies, and educators can communicate science to both expert and non-expert audiences. Some of these ways are more conventional, for instance involving the use of scientific texts, such as books, articles or press...
Exploring Diamond’s Potential in High-Power, High-Temperature Electronics – Dr Debarati Mukherjee, Dr Luis Nero Alves, Dr Joana Catarina Mendes
While many people perceive diamond as a material used to make jewellery or other decorative objects, this mesmerising stone has numerous other valuable applications. In fact, its physical properties make diamond ideal for uses in various technological applications,...
Humanitarian Engineering: Training Engineers to Best Serve Communities
Engineering is one of the most impactful and transformative fields of teaching, research, and practice, asit shapes the world we live in and ensures the functioning of many systems that maintain human life. TheColorado School of Mines created the first Humanitarian...
I-PERF: Supporting Underserved Research Fellows
Statistics suggest that Hispanic, Black, and female entrepreneurs receive a disproportionately tiny portion of total venture capital funds in the United States. With this in mind, the National Science Foundation created the I-PERF program. I-PERF supports the...
Cultivating Health-Conscious High School Students through Nutrition Education
Providing high school students with nutrition-related knowledge enables them to lead healthier lives by selecting foods that are both tasty and nutritious. Researchers at Middle Tennessee State University and Lipscomb University have created a course designed to offer...
Dr Sadguna Anasuri – Exploring the Impact of Media Usage on Obesity among Young Adults
In the US, the number of children and adults with obesity or excess weight has increased exponentially over the past few decades, causing concerning effects on public health. Identifying factors that may play a role in this rise is of crucial importance, as they could...
A New Model for Developing Students’ Deep-Learning Skills – Dr Yianna Vovides, Georgetown University
Online education has recently experienced a surge in popularity, and this trend is set to continue. Through online learning, individuals who are unable to take courses on campus, due to family, work or financial pressures, now have the opportunity to pursue university...
Dr Zenaida Aguirre Muñoz | Dr Magdalena Pando | Dr Michelle Pantoya – Fostering Enthusiasm for Engineering from an Early Age
As engineering and other scientific disciplines play an increasingly prominent role in our society, it is crucial to introduce children to these subjects from an early age, as this could encourage them to pursue careers in these fields in the future. With this in...
SciGirls CONNECT – Recognition’s Role in STEM Identity Development
SciGirls is an educational television show, website, and outreach program funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF), aimed at encouraging more girls to pursue science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) fields. As part of a research effort...